Author: Amanda Stanley

Christmas 2022: The most popular toys to give as a gift this coming holiday season

Christmas 2022: The most popular toys to give as a gift this coming holiday season

Max 9 min read

The most popular toys to give as a gift this coming holiday season The holiday season is just around the corner, and if you’re like most people, you’re probably starting to think about what gifts to give your loved ones. If you have a child on your list, you may be wondering what the most… continue reading

Top Trending Toys: The coolest toys to give as a present this holiday season

The Toy Industry: What’s Hot, What’s Next and the Best Toy Trends of 2023

Max 12 min read

Current State of the Toy Industry The toy industry in 2023 and beyond stands on a strong and stable foundation. Despite challenging changes in the economic landscape, the toy sector continues to thrive and grow, with parents unabated in their desire to bring joy to their children through play. It’s an industry characterized by an… continue reading